Wednesday 13 March 2019

3 Simple Ways to Improve The Conversion Rates On Your Pricing Page

If you are in the business of selling goods and services online, then you can attest that making sales is always easier said than done. Most digital strategists will simply tell you to craft a compelling pricing plan page that will help in luring customers to convert more. If you are here then chances are such a strategy isn’t working but don’t worry. We will be giving you a few tips to help you start converting those customers you have been losing in your sales funnel.

Build Prospective Customer Trust

For starters, you will have to build trust among your potential clients. Think of it this way, a client has never used your service so naturally, he or she will start contemplating before making a purchase via your site. It might happen that they don’t trust that your site is safe, or perhaps they are guaranteed after sale services or a money back guarantee if they don’t like the service.

This is to say that you ought to build trust among ‘strangers’ if you are to translate your traffic to sales and leads.  One simple way to gain trust in the web domain is to install an SSL certificate then flaunt the security badges to guarantee new clients that their personal and credit card data are safe using on your site.  Other ways to gain customer trust is to show them:

  • Your social media links
  • Your contact info
  • Testimonials
  • Your policies e.g. shipping policy, warranty info etc.

Use a Nice Pricing Plan Design

Next and definitely one of the key aspects of a killer pricing plan page is the page design. This is where you have got to play around with some visual cues in a bid to get the prospective customer to convert.  How do you do this? Here are a few simple ways you can achieve a nice design in your page pricing plan:

#Tip 1: Highlight the Prices

Don’t assume that customer knows what to look at in the pricing plan page. In other words, let the prices stand out from everything else. You make this happen by contrasting it with the page background color or by using a font that stands out among other design features.

#Tip 2: Use Simple Figures

Don’t confuse the user with price figures that have decimal numbers in them. Instead, go for the simple round numbers that are easier for most people to work with. You can also go as far as eliminating any currency symbol preceding or displayed after the price tag. In fact, past research showed that this tag has some negative effects on the purchase patterns of online customers.

#Tip 3: Use Some Cognitive Biases

Sales and marketing are more about influencing the opinions of the target customer and this is where the art of cognitive biases come in. You can use something like an anchoring effect in a way that shows the client those expensive deals first followed by other options. This way the other options look like just a bunch of add ons.

It is also advisable to take the product your prefer in the list to the front and center of the design. You can do it by framing that product option plus you could also use a contrasting color in its design. Customers also fancy being assured that they are making a smart decision when cashing out for what you are selling. This is why you are highly encouraged to use words that reassure them they are safe giving you their hard earned cash. We are talking about words like “Most Popular” or “Best Value” etc.

Set a Proper Pricing Range

Understand your target customers then craft a pricing structure that caters for them.  If you are serving a wide range of customers, then ensure that you have plans that suit each one of them. For example, if your product or service is subscription based then go for both monthly and annual plans. Perhaps you can spice the deal with a discount on the latter. That said, don’t offer too many choices as this can be confusing to the users. Here are a few tips to follow when pricing:

#Tip: Put the Scarcity Principle Of Marketing into Action

Scarcity marketing is one of the oldest tricks out of the marketing handbook and surprise, surprise. It still works! The principle behind this approach is a simple one: People want the things that are difficult to get and smart marketers certainly know these too well.  A sense of scarcity pushes people to a rush to buy quickly thus increasing demand.

There are a number of ways you can execute this in your pricing plan design. For example, you can strikethrough prices in a way that shows you are offering short term discounts on the original prices. If you can actually afford the discounts then well and good but if you can’t, you can still be smart. You could perhaps show the original prices whilst increasing the pricing

Alternatively, you can for a temporary bundle pricing option where you can offer the users your products for a limited period of time before billing them. If this won’t work for you, you could try using a countdown timer urging the shoppers to take advantage of the offer while it lasts. It can be a slightly fabricated discount but be warned though, don’t go overboard in trying to sell the sense of urgency to the shoppers.

Wrap Up

That’s pretty much it about how to improve the rates of conversion of the users that land on your pricing page. These are just but a few tips, but they should help you fine tune your sales efforts. Let’s just say there is more! Thus, you can always get as creative as you can.

The post 3 Simple Ways to Improve The Conversion Rates On Your Pricing Page appeared first on Robust Tricks.

from Robust Tricks


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