Tuesday 7 July 2020

Tips on How to Soundproof a Window Yourself

Soundproofing your home could be an excellent way to keep the noise levels to a minimum. You don’t have to be an expert to be able to soundproof a window yourself. With a dampening material and a pair of scissors, you can get the job done in no time. While you can hire professional help, you can save yourself some money by doing it yourself.

If you live in a busy city with a great deal of traffic, you will undoubtedly have to deal with the high baring noises from vehicle horns and all the hustling and bustling. For those whose apartments face a busy highway, it can be a lot more difficult finding quality sleep at night. If it is for this exact reason, you are looking to soundproof your bedroom windows, you can read all about how to do that below.

Why you Should Consider Soundproofing

I remember going back and forth on the idea of soundproofing my room in college, but when I moved into the big city and lived next to neighbors with noisy dogs, I began to nurse the idea. It was better than dealing with the stress of moving into another apartment, and it was closer to my place of work, which was beneficial for my commute.

It wasn’t long before I decided to do something about it. A quick research and a few YouTube videos later, I was armed with all the tricks I needed to get the job done correctly, and I will be letting you in on all of the secrets to do it yourself, but first, let me give you a few reasons why I think you should consider soundproofing.

Good for your Health

I will be lying if I say it doesn’t feel cozy sleeping in a well-insulated bedroom. Coupled with proper air conditioning, you definitely would not have a hard time catching sleep at night. Better rest means better health, and it could help prevent sickness and diseases.

Prevents Ear Damage

Loud noises can be dangerous to the hearing, and exposing yourself to busy train tracks and highways could take a toll on you in the long term. Even if you choose to wear earplugs at night, you also have to deal with it during the day. So it may be best to consider installing a blanket on the windows.

Traps in Water

You can also trust that the window blankets will trap water droplets from getting inside during a torrential downpour. Although the main aim is not to install a water proofer, it does come in useful when it rains.

Reduces Heat

With soundproofing material on your windows, you can also keep the heat from the sun from getting inside the home. This helps to improve the living condition, but it is worth mentioning that you may have to provide brilliant lighting if it ends up dull. You can find more on this page https://www.explainthatstuff.com/soundproofing.html about some of the ways to achieve less noise and heat in the home.

Dirt and Dust

Soundproofing also helps to protect your home from outside dirt and dust. This helps to keep the air inside the room fresh and your living space clean.

How to Soundproof a Window?

To reduce the noise levels getting into the house, there are some tricks that you can try. The best place to start is with external openings such as windows and floors. The right way to go depends on your acoustic goals. What level of soundproofing are you looking to achieve? Once you have this one settled, it becomes easier to select a suitable dampening material or technique.

When it comes to reducing the noise inside your home, you can start by

Rearranging your Living Space

Sound moves in the air and bounces of surfaces, so rearranging the furniture in your room could be the perfect way to begin. In summary, it will be a lot noisier in a space than a full room. If your room lacks a few pieces, including an armchair, cabinet, and book racks, it may help beautify your living space and soundproofing.

Placing a piece of large furniture in front of the window could help bounce off some of the loud noises from outside. You can find some tips here on rearranging your living space.

Block all Windows Spaces

If there are any tiny crawl spaces in the window or wall, you should block them out to prevent the passage of sound waves. There are several ways to cover leakages in the home. Using an acoustic caulk is an excellent way to seal gaps. It is more durable than using stuffing paper, and you also won’t need to worry about checking it often.

Weatherstrip the Windows

The use of weatherstripping sealant could also be useful in soundproofing your windows. You can find different types of weatherstrip materials, depending on your preference. Some common ones include foam, silicone, and rubbers. You may need to try a few of them to find one that works for your panes or shutters.

A foam or plug is a cheaper alternative to getting acoustic glasses installed. While they are excellent at reducing noise, they do block out the light from outside the window. So it may be worth it investing in quality lighting if you choose this one.

Use of Glass Sheet

An acrylic glass sheet could also do a great job of dampening your living space. While this method could be effective, it could also be quite challenging, especially if you choose to do it yourself. You would have to install a new frame around the window and use a magnet to fit in the acrylic glass.

This method may not be aesthetically pleasing when you look at your windows, but they could be a better choice for those who continuously have to deal with loud noises in their homes or workplaces.

Dampening Curtains

You also have the option of installing noise reduction curtains to help soundproof your windows. These curtains are designed to aid in thermal insulation, but could also be effective at blocking outside sounds. The disadvantage is that it is quite expensive and with cheaper alternatives, such as foam, you may want to avoid this one.

Deciding Which Option to Choose

The level of dampening required will determine which of the technique to use. Mind you, a foam blanket, and a thermal curtain provide different levels of insulation. While the former may be best for sound, the latter is more effective for heat reduction. Serious consideration should be taken when choosing a dampening material for your home.

Also, if you want to open the window to allow fresh air, you want to go for temporary insulation as anything permanent will make it hard for you to open and close it. If all this sounds like something that may be too much for you to handle, you may want to ask a professional to check it out. However, you should be ready to pay for their services and buy the materials needed. You can save yourself the cost if you choose to do it yourself. Still, the choice is yours.

The post Tips on How to Soundproof a Window Yourself appeared first on Robust Tricks.

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